
Thursday, 11 April 2019

Face vs Dirt

Just a normal morning skating with gavin.Then we thought that it would be a good idea to do a gap    ( For you that dont know a gap is two ramps and when you clear the gap you move them further apart). We cleared 80cm so we thought we should move it further 85cm that's where it all went WRONG. Push push push I thought I had enuf speed I was wrong. My back truck got stuck on the top of the ramp. As I said Face vs Dirt. P.S dirt won.😂😂


  1. Great story toby. you also had great humor. I also love the title.

  2. I loved that story Toby. It had lots of action and definetly catches the reader in. Its pretty sad that dirt won but I'm sure you'll get it next time!
    Kai Pai, Nikau!


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